Covid-19 Readiness Response
As a systems integrator for mission critical Life Safety Equipment servicing and supporting hospitals, clinics and long-term care facilities. DTB Systems continues to monitor the rapidly evolving situation around the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The safety and well-being of DTB Systems customers, business partners and employees while maintaining customer support and communication needs as our top priority. We continue to follow the latest recommendations from the CDC, NIH and WHO, but with that said.
As more COVID-19 cases are being reported across the country and developments surrounding the pandemic evolve daily, healthcare facilities are either facing or preparing for an influx of patients and converting standard rooms into isolated areas or the use of some creative use of vacant buildings. We are working closely with our manufactures in assuring production levels are meeting the demand for ongoing supplies. Be assured that during these challenging times our dedicated staff will do everything it can to continue to deliver the highest quality service and support in the safest and most efficient way possible.
If your facility is currently working on a plan for additional beds or isolating infected patients and monitoring air flow, please don’t hesitate to contact us for support.
Temporary Overflow/Isolation Nurse Call
Negative Pressure Room Conversion Monitoring
Patient/Staff Contact Tracking
Workflow & Room Status Management
Emergency Overhead Page Zoning